Job Shadow At Franktown Animal Clinic
Visiting and shadowing Franktown Animal Clinic was an amazing experience that I will never forget. The day started with re-filling all of the supplies such as cotton swabs, gauze, and scrub. We then moved on to sterilizing everything such as the tools that were not yet washed as well as all of the examination tables. While the doctors then did some paper work, we fed and cared for the clinic cat Jinx. Let's just say she runs the place. We did rounds which is an activity where everyone gets together and discusses problems as well as what the day should look like. Then the clients started showing up. I went into the rooms with the doctors as well as the vet techs. I was able to communicate with all employees as well as patients owners. When doing this, I realized this job is not only about the animals, but also about the owners of the animal as well. When the time came, I got to observe three surgeries. I got to watch three dentals as well as a spay. All three of the dentals were different. The first was just a grade 1 teeth cleaning where the vets used special tools to clean the plaque off of the teeth. The grade of the dental tells us how severe the situation was. Because this was just a clean and the plaque was not severe this made the dental a grade 1. The next dental was a grade 1 extraction and a grade 2 clean. The canine had one tooth that had been previously broken which needed to be pulled and because of the severity of the amount of plaque, the cleaning was a grade 2. The last dental was definitely the most interesting. It was a grade 3 extraction where the vet had to extract 5 teeth. It was a long process and all ended up well. The teeth were covered in plaque because of the age of the dog so in this case it was also a grade 2 clean. The last surgery I observed was a spay on a feline. It was very interesting being able to be in on a surgery where I could see the inside anatomy of the animal in person. I learned so much while watching all surgeries as well as throughout the day. I also got to watch vaccinations being given and blood draws. I even ended up being able to examine a sample of blood under a microscope. It was such an amazing and incredible experience which has lead me to become even more interested in veterinary sciences.
Job Shadow At Pine Grove Animal Hospital
Shadowing Pine Grove Animal Hospital an amazing experience where I was able to watch how the clinic worked. It is always amazing to be able to see how different clinics function and work. Pine Grove Animal Hospital is a smaller facility where I was able to experience some of the business side of things as well as surgeries, vaccinations, ultrasounds, blood draws, and diagnostics. During the day I shadowed, I got to examine a dental as well as a spay. I got to watch and examine how the different doctors did paperwork and how all of the staff interacted with the clients. I did not go in an meet with the clients on this job shadow, I instead was able to experience every situation that came in through the door that day and see what happened and what was done throughout the day in the back. My most favorite part of the day was by far the ultrasound. We were able to use the machine to look into and examine the organs of the canine without having to open the animal up. It was amazing being able to see how how the machine worked as well how all of the organs where functioning. It was definitely an experience I was very interested in and could see myself looking into even further. This was another very interesting and knowledgeable day where I learned more than I ever thought I would.
Job Shadow At Rocky Mountain Labs
Shadowing Rocky Mountain Labs was a very impactful time for me as a student looking for suture career paths. I was able to observe the doctor and the medical technicians as they used the machinery in the lab. I also was able to watch the doctor look at stomach and intestine specimens under the microscope where we found some cancerous material. I also had the opportunity to have my own blood drawn so that I could run test on it using their special machinery. I was able to use a special machine that reads your blood and determined your A1C over the past 30 days. Luckily, from seeing my results, I did not have a high A1C which shows that I am not diabetic. By going to this job shadow, I realized this is definitely a career path I want to look deeper into. This is a career I could see myself working in in the future thanks to this experience.
Job Shadowing a Horse Broker
For this job shadow I had the experience of traveling down to Texas to shadow a horse broker. I traveled with the broker to many different facilities that were selling different horses. After the broker tried out the horses and found one that was perfect, I then got to observe all of the behind scenes work that goes into buying a horse and transferring titles. But before the title could be transferred, the horse had a thorough vet exam to make sure the horse was healthy. The horse also received a Coggins test to make sure it was negative. Coggins is kind of like horse herpes. It is very contagious and can kill the horse so this is an important step in the horse buying process. Once this was done, all legal papers were signed and the horse was sold. The horse then traveled back to Colorado. I learned so much during this job shadow and learned that there is way more to buying and preparing to buy a horse than I thought.
Job Shadow At Veterinary Center Of Parker
At the Veterinary Center Of Parker I was able to observe and attend an amazing job shadow opportunity. I was able to observe a spay on a canine as well as three neuters on canines. I was able to observe multiple blood draws, vaccinations and even microchipping. Most of my day consisted of the surgeries and I was even able to help with the preparation of the room and the animal for surgery. This was a smaller facility but it was extremely organized. The most organized vet office I had ever been in. On this day, I was going to watch my own feline get neutered but sadly ran out of time. Not only did I get to observe, but the veterinarians and the vet tech even gave me a story time about multiple different situations and scenarios that they have seen. Overall it was an amazing, day even though it was short, and I learned so much which definitely made me excited to look further into this career path.